Friday, September 18, 2020

The Maztica Campaign: The Prisoners are Revolting

 (What Has Gone Before)

The captured kobolds had cast down their weapons and wooden shields and lined up against the wall, along the walkway opposite the still smoking bodies of their fallen, flambéed comrades.

Taking Captives

João Afonso the Ranger and Esparelda the Cranky Gnome had debated the kobolds' fate. Against Esparelda's instincts, they had agreed to release their prisoners, provided they left the sewers immediately.

"Anyway" said João Afonso "We don't have anyone to guard them."

The kobolds had heard enough. Buoyed by the revelation that they outnumbered the filthy surface dwellers by two-to-one, the kobolds decided to make a break for it..

(DM's Note: Finally, Derek rolled a "1" on his Intimidate challenge. Alea sterca est!*)

The kobolds turned on their captors almost as one, striking with claws and fangs as João Afonso and Esparelda were driven back and apart on the narrow ledge. There were two kobolds on each PC. 

João Afonso cut his down with his halberd, while the other squeaked, turned and fled. The ranger swung at the retreating, scaly back and missed. 

Esparelda was having trouble. "Nasty, dirty Gnome!" hissed a kobold as it raked at her throat. "Nothing but THIEF!" screeched its partner, punctuating its words, and simultaneously, the leather protection of her arms, with a series of snapping bites.

Prisoner Revolt

João Afonso sank his halberd into one of the kobold's backs. "Urk?!" it said, dying, as its companion, yipped, leapt the channel, and ran down the passage.

Esparelda considered throwing her short sword at the fleeing kobold, thought better of it, and sat down with an audible squelch. Blood ran down her fore-arms.

"Nice," she said. "I've been looking forward to contracting rabies..."

*The die is crap...

Post Game Thoughts:
Credit to Derek for playing his character as Good, if perhaps a bit more Lawful than necessary. The kobolds probably changed his mind about taking prisoners (at least kobolds) but he gets extra XP for the effort.

Also, credit to Megan for her growing antipathy toward an allegedly already hated foe.

Both characters were a bit banged up, especially the gnome. I think they're planning to go back to the surface and hire some help. Time to roll up some NPCs.

To be continued...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

TerraClips for Dungeons and Sewers

Over on The Miniatures Page, I was asked what we used for the sewer/dungeon in our "Wastes of Athkatlos" mini-campaign.

Some years ago, I picked a box of TerraClips "Sewers of Malifaux" by Wyrd Games. There's no link provided, because Wyrd Games have stopped production on TerraClips. I'm not terribly surprised.

Upon opening the box, I was underwhelmed. It seemed pretty obvious to me at the time that I was not going to be able to create the cover illustration, despite what Wyrd Games might have claimed.

Also, the box doesn't include the necessary clips. That was a Marketing stroke. Literally.

Here's a few reviews, addressing my complaints, taken from Amazon:

"Cheap cardboard, no connectors, 40$. You do the math."

"Seller was fine, the actual product is not. They don't tell you that you need multiple sets to make what is on the box art, or that just to utilize the tiles that come with it that you will need two sets of the connectors. The boards are nice-ish, but they get damaged by the connector far too easily, and there is not enough of the kind of tiles that you need, and more of the ones that no one is really going to use. I'm gonna save my money next time and just buy some random supplies and make my own terrain."

"It is utterly absurd that the clips are not included. It's beyond absurd. The company and all involved should be ashamed of themselves. They are called Terraclips and the buildings and structures come minus the clips. They actually have the nerve to print in tiny type on the box, "don't forget the clips." ugh! I'll go get the clips, but I don't have to like it. There is zero excuse. Nothing anyone could write or say could sway my opinion. The owner could send me a truck filled with clips and I'd still be annoyed they were not in the box."

So, small wonder Wyrd Games dropped this product - I'll wager the plastic clips were cost prohibitive.

Now, that said, the assembled tiles look pretty good, especially digitally. The look of most paper terrain is generally improved as a photo. I noticed this last year, for a Call of Cthulhu game - the results from the game pics looked pretty good.

1970s Investigators search a Haunted Cellar...from blog Tempests in a Teapot

In the photo above, the flooring itself was digitally scanned, printed, and fixed to foam board. The walls were cut with shears and glued in place. This was the first time I'd found a use for Terraclips - and, except for the central arch, mostly ignored the clips - so I had little regret in altering the basic build pieces.

Fast forward a year, and I was contemplating an introductory sewer-crawl for a new D&D campaign. Remembering there is a sewer channel printed on the reverse of the tiles, I was able to assemble a two-part sewer/dungeon. Furthermore, using printed floors on foam core/board, I could create rooms that could be dropped into gaps in the construction.

In fact, the ability to deploy multi-part "reveals" makes the Wyrd Sewer a bit more useful, and I un-ironically ordered a duplicate set from eBay, recently. (NB, I searched on multiple sites and couldn't find any of the clips, so there will probably be more scanning and fastening in the near future). 

Final rating?  Two Stars out of Five. If the reader is willing to do some DIY stuff, you can add a star... 


Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Maztica Campaign: Never so Bold, as a Kobold Cold...

"Now We've Got Them!"
Continuing their plunge into the depths of Athkatlos' storm sewer, João the Ranger and Esparelda the cranky Gnome have found a secret door...

"Right where I said it would be!" said Esparelda, eyeing João for confirmation.

The Ranger grinned, then pointed. "Is that a lever?"

Nestled against the wall, opposite the door, was a yard-long lever, mounted onto a honking great gear, half-set in the floor. Painted in faded white letters on the stone wall, above the lever, was the legend "Storm Gate Lever 2".

"So, there's another lever and gate somewhere..." said Esparelda.

"Or, possibly, the first lever broke, and this is a replacement." Said João Afonso, dryly.

The pair pulled at the lever, and were rewarded with the a rumble and metallic scraping sound from the main passageway. When they looked around the corner, the left-hand water-gate had opened.

"Presto!" said Esparelda, then motioned for quiet and cocked her head. The sound of scampering feet and muttered hissing issued forth from the newly opened doors. The Gnome peered down the passageway, looking for heat signatures.

Faint grey silhouettes, under a yard high, could be made out, against the darker background. "Kobolds..." said Esparelda with audible disgust. "Four of them."

The Kobolds approached the door with a hopping, bounding gait. Balancing his spear in his right hand, João Afonso drew it back above his shoulder and let it fly at the lead kobold. The throw was surprisingly accurate - it caught the hapless kobold square in the face and penetrated out the back of its head.

"Garl's GONADS!" exclaimed Esparelda. "Bulls eye!"

The lead kobold died noisily. The other three shrieked, then ran away howling, down the passageway.

(DM's Notes: Once again, Derek rolled a 20, with maximum damage. The surviving kobolds' morale collapsed like a cheap lawn chair...)

As the barks and yapping receded down the passage, Esperelda laughed. "They're calling you 'Far Slayer' - you certainly impressed them."

"It was a good cast..." agreed João Afonso, retrieving his spear with a little difficulty and giving it a quick wipe-down.

The sound of a gong carried up the passage, from the direction in which the kobolds had fled. They were massing for another attack.

João Afonso was peering down the tunnel. "They've stopped running."

The kobold-rout had been stemmed by a sub-leader. Esperelda could hear the Kobolds down the passage, there was a lot of them. They were whipping themselves up, chanting "Kill the smelly Human" and "Fat, dirty, Gnome thief!" they bayed.

"Bunch of mongrels..." she muttered as she handed an oil flask to João Afonso.

The kobold pack was advancing up the passageway, somewhat more cautiously than before. Esperalda could hear the leader, in the back, egging them on. They advanced in a semi-crouch, shields raised to better cover their heads and upper torsos.

The Kobolds Advance a Second Time
"Now We've Got Them!"
Esparelda held the lantern, while João Afonso used its flame to light the tallow-soaked rag that wrapped the neck of the ceramic flask. The Kobolds were getting nearer.

"Kill the white-skins! Kill the surface-runners!" they chanted.

"And kill that fat, dirty Gnome in the back!" yelled the leader.

"Motherless scum..." hissed Esparelda. "Let 'em have it, João!"

João Afonso threw the flaming flask of oil, more with a side-arc curve than an overhead shot. It flew over the head of the lead kobold, shattered on the stone wall, and sprayed the following ranks like fiery judgement.

"AAaaaiiiieeee!" Shrieked the middle three kobolds, as the blazing splash struck the leader full in the face.

"Blind!" it screeched, clawing at its eyes. Turning, the leader ran into the wall, then fell backwards and disappeared into the grey-water.

"Smells Like Burnt Dog Hair"

The surviving Kobolds had quite enough. "No more burning!"

João Afonso raised his arm, as if to throw again. "Do you yield?" He was answered by the clatter of weapons and shields being thrown to the pave-stones.

Ranger and Gnome advanced to secure their prisoners.

"They're kind of pathetic..." said João Afonso. "We shouldn't just kill them..."

"Vermin!" said Esperalda. "They deserved to burn..." 

Post Game Thoughts
The kobolds each had 2 hit points - it was just easier to track. This made the splash damage of the flaming oil more effective. Once again, hot dice from Derek helped make the difference, and taking out the leader is a great way to shatter a kobold's morale.

When the PCs decided to use flaming oil, I had some trouble finding the mechanic. The ranges and saving throw were easy enough to locate, but the Throw procedure wasn't anywhere I could find it. Eventually, I settled on the Chaosium percentile skill check.

Kobold Cam

Heritage Goblins were used as stand-ins for the Kobolds, though I do have some Heritage Kobolds somewhere, in their wee shorts and vests, they look like bell-hops. Some packs of Reaper Bones Plastics (Ewww, filthy Humans) arrived today, so I'll have proper Kobolds painted up for our next session.

It was interesting seeing how João Afonso/Derek played his character's Chaotic Good alignment, vs Esparelda/Megan's Chaotic Neutral. Derek had asked whether his character should be concerned with Esparelda's alignment. I answered that, broadly, both characters agree on the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility - the Gnome just has a tendency to do what is "expedient".

"So, you'd better keep an eye on her..." I said.

He agreed...

To be continued...